Day 1 Thursday ~ April 26 – DESTINATION ISRAEL
4am Meet at the West Jet check in counter in Victoria airport for the 6:30am flight to Toronto`s Pearson airport via Calgary arriving in Toronto at 3:45pm. Depart on the 6:45pm EL AL overnight nonstop flight destination Israel, meals served on board.
Day 2 Friday ~ April 27 – WELCOME TO ISRAEL
Arrive at Ben Gurion International Airport at 12:50pm. Meet your guide, drive north through the Plain of Sharon, along the Mediterranean shore on the old coastal route which linked Egypt and Babylon. Stop at Caesarea the Roman capital boasting the largest port in the Mediterranean built by King Herod the Great. Here Pontius Pilate had his seat; Cornelius lived and was baptized (Acts 10); Paul embarked to Tarsus (Acts 9:30) and Philip preached (Acts 8:40). Visit the Roman Theatre, the Hippodrome, and the Crusader City. View the summit of Mount Carmel at Muhraka the “burning place” where Elijah confronted the 450 prophets of Baal (1 Kings 18:30). Continue to the Sea of Galilee to get a good night’s rest. 4 nights Ein Gev or Nof Ginnosar or Maagan hotel ~ Sea of Galilee (Dinner)
Day 3 Saturday ~ April 28 – GALILEE
Drive along the Jezreel Valley to Megiddo one of King Solomon’s fortified city kingdoms (1 Kings 9:15; 10:26) with impressive ruins of 21 layers of civilisation, where the book of revelations will come to life at the site of the epic Armageddon. Proceed to visit Ancient Zippori – Sephorris first mentioned in Josephus Flavius as the most important city in the Galilee also known as the “glory of the entire Galilee.” Only a few miles away from Nazareth, this was the largest construction project in the Galilee during Jesus’ time in Nazareth. Continue to Arbel (Arbala) an imposing cliff to enjoy an unparalleled view of the Sea of Galilee and the routes that Jesus and the Galileans took from Nazareth to Migdal (Magdala) on the Sea of Galilee. View the famous ancient boat from the time of Jesus. End the day following the tradition of the “fishermen” disciples, sail on the Sea of Galilee with time for meditation and prayer. (Breakfast & dinner)
Day 4 Sunday ~ April 29 – GALILEE
Travel via Cana, view the churches marking the first miracle and wedding feast en route to Nazareth the boyhood village of Jesus. Visit Nazareth Village to relive life from the time of Jesus. View the Church of Annunciation and the church of Mary’s spring in Nazareth. Continue to sites central to Jesus’ Ministry – starting at the Mt Beatitudes where Jesus delivered the famous “Sermon On the Mount” (Matt.5). Enjoy a picturesque stroll down to the shore of the Sea of Galilee, stop at the Church of the Primacy of Peter (Tabgha) then the Church of the Feeding of the Multitude. Proceed to Kfar Nahum Capernaum centre of Jesus’ Ministry in the Galilee and the site of many of his miracles (Mark 2:4; Matt. 8:5; 14-7; 9; 1-7; 17: 18). See the remains of St Peter’s mother in law’s home and the ancient synagogue where Jesus taught and worshipped (Mark 1:21; Luke 4:31). Time and access permitting continue to Hippos fascinating ruins of a Decapolis city with a great view of the “other side”. (Breakfast & dinner)
Day 5 Monday ~ April 30 – GALILEE
Travel north in the Jordan valley along the foot of the Golan Heights to Biblical Laish later known as Dan to visit the nature reserve and ancient site including a mud brick gate from the time of Abraham (Genesis 14: 14). Continue to Banias to visit Caesarea Philippi where Jesus asked, “Who do men say I am?” Travel onto the Golan Heights stop to view the Golan Heights from Mt Bental. Continue south to the Sea of Galilee stop at Beth Saida a village which Jesus prophesied would be destroyed for its unbelief. End the day at Kursi an ancient Byzantine Monastery – near the miracle of the Demonic man and swine. (Breakfast & dinner)
Get an early start and travel south along the Jordan Valley to visit Beit Shean, where the body of King Saul and his sons were placed on the walls by the Philistines (1 Samuel 31:10), later known in Jesus’ day as Scythopolis, capital of Decapolis. View the extensive excavated ruins of the Roman / Byzantine / Omayyad cities. Follow the pilgrimage route that Jesus & the Galileans took through the homeland of Prophet Elisha down the Jordan Valley, where the desert now blooms with flowers and vegetation of every description (Isaiah 35:1-2). Travel through the Judean desert stopping at the Good Samaritan Inn, a national Park and Museum of Mosaics. Perhaps this is the “inn” in Jesus’ parable of the traveler who “fell among thieves” and was rescued by a compassionate passerby, the “Good Samaritan” (Luke 10). Ascend through the Judean Desert to the Holy City – Jerusalem of Gold stopping on Mt Scopus to recite a Psalm of Ascent and enjoy the first view of the Holy City. An option is provided to travel to Bethlehem to visit the Church of the Nativity birthplace of Jesus (dependant on the state of the ongoing renovations). 5 nights Prima Kings hotel ~ Jerusalem (Breakfast & dinner)
Day 7 Wednesday ~ May 2 – JERUSALEM
Pay respect to the victims of the Shoah at Yad Vashem – National Memorial & Museum of the Holocaust, including: the unique new Museum, the Valley of the Communities & the Children’s Memorial. Continue to Ein Karem where you visit the birthplace of John the Baptist and the site of the Visitation. Visit the Israel Museum including the model of Jerusalem from the time of Jesus. Continue to Hagia Maria Zion ~ the Dormition Abbey enjoy the unparalleled acoustics. Explore King David’s City including the multimedia presentation, Warren’s Shaft, Hezekiah’s tunnel or the Canaanite tunnel and the Pools of Siloam. Walk along the walls of the Old City to Mt. Zion. Exit via the Zion gate, stop at the Church of the Last Supper at the upper chamber. Walk down the mountain to the church of St Peter in Gallicantu where Peter denied Jesus for the 3rd time and the cock crowed. Pay tribute to Oskar Schindlar at his grave on Mt Zion. (Breakfast & dinner)
Day 8 Thursday ~ May 3 – JERUSALEM
View the Holy Temple from the Mt. of Olives. Then follow in the footsteps of Jesus and the Galileans on the route of Palm Sunday – walk down the Mt. via Dominus Flevitt to visit Gethsemane – the Church of All Nations with time for reflection and prayer in the Olive orchard. Continue across the Kidron valley via the Dung Gate into the Old City. Visit the Ophal Archaeological Garden & the Davidson Center (combining an archaeological exhibit & a computerized Second Temple presentation) including a stop on the very same ancient steps that Jesus & the Galilean pilgrims used to enter and exit the Holy Temple. Stop at the Western Wall (Kotel) Judaism’s most sacred site then walk back in time through the Western Wall Tunnels (Excavations). Stop at the pools of Bethsaida – St Anne’s church where Jesus healed the paralytic man then continue along the Via Dolorosa and Stations of the Cross. En route to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre stop at Ecce Homo and the Monastery of the sisters of Zion to visit the Lithostrotos perhaps the very place where Jesus was tormented and disrobed by Roman soldiers. Visit the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, site of exciting new discoveries and renovations to the Edicule containing the Tomb of the Resurrection. Then continue via the “Suk” (the colourful Arab market) with an opportunity for some shopping. (Breakfast & dinner)
Day 9 Friday ~ May 4 – THE DEAD SEA
Descend via the Judean Desert to the Dead Sea, the lowest place on earth (417 meters below sea level). Stop at Qasr El Yahud, on the Jordan River where John baptised Jesus (Matt. 3:13-17). Visit Qumran ruins of a possible Essene community close to the first discovery of the Dead Sea scrolls in a nearby cave. Continue south and view Ein Gedi Oasis en route to Masada, where you visit ruins of King Herod the Great`s mountaintop fortress, later the last stronghold of the Jewish revolt against the Romans [73 C.E.] (Ascend and descend by cable car). Stop to float in the Dead Sea – you cannot sink!!! Travel through the Judean Desert en route to Jerusalem. (Breakfast & dinner)
Day 10 Saturday ~ May 5 – JERUSALEM
Spend a day of leisure in this fascinating city. Revisit places of interest and do some shopping in the colourful “Suk” (Market Place) in the Old City. Options to consider (on your own) – spend time doing archaeological sifting at Emmek Zurrim where you can see some recently discovered floor tiles from Herod’s temple; Or stroll through the Orthodox community in Meah Shearim or the Mahane Yehuda market. Or visit the Citadel museum; the Temple Institute – housing furniture and instruments ready for the Third Temple; The Rockefeller Museum; The Augusta Victoria church; The Anglican and Lutheran churches. Enjoy a farewell dinner in the hotel. Transfer to the airport for your return flight. (Breakfast & dinner)
Day 11 Sunday ~ May 6 – CANADA
Depart Tel Aviv at 00:55am on your direct nonstop EL AL flight arriving at Pearson International Airport in Toronto at 6:15AM. At 9am continue on the West jet flight to Victoria via Calgary arriving at 1:34pm